The average revenue per user (ARPU) during the quarter came at Rs 151 per subscriber per month as against Rs 145 per subscriber per month in the September quarter. Reliance Jio, the telecommunications arm of Jio Platforms, on January 22 posted a net profit of Rs 3,489 crore for the quarter ended December 31, 2020. The profit was higher than the street expectations as analysts in a CNBC-TV18 poll had estimated the number at Rs 3,200 crore. Jio's net profit grew 15.5 percent QoQ as in the September quarter of FY21, its profit was Rs 3,020 crore. The average revenue per user (ARPU) during the quarter came at Rs 151 per subscriber per month as against Rs 145 per subscriber per month in the September quarter. A CNBC-TV18 poll had estimated ARPU at Rs 148.2. Revenue, including access revenues for the quarter, was Rs 22,858 crore ($3.1 billion), up 5.3 percent QoQ. A CNBC-TV18 poll had estimated revenue to the tune of Rs 18,165 crore. EBITDA for the quarter stood at Rs 8,483 crore ...
Technical View: Nifty forms bearish candle for second straight day, experts say index can break 14,000
Volatility has spiked above 24, pausing the positive momentum. and needs to be below 20 for the index to climb again, Chandan Taparia of Motilal Oswal has said. The Nifty50 fell sharply for the second day running due to selling pressure and lost more than 150 points on January 18. The correction was seen across sectors, with the Nifty metal falling the most with a 4 percent loss. Bank, financial services, auto, IT, realty and pharma indices were down 1-3 percent. After opening higher at 14,453.30, the Nifty hit the day's high of 14,459.15 in early trade only to slip into the red. The index tried to recoup losses in the afternoon but fell sharply in the last hour and closed 152.40 points, or 1.06 percent, lower at 14,281.30. The index formed a bearish candle on the daily charts as the closing was lower than opening levels. Experts advised caution as the Union Budget 2021 nears and said the volatility is likely to continue in the coming days. "Bears appear to be slowl...