Sebi has linked the IPF amount with trading volumes. The NSE derives 95 percent of its volumes from cash and derivatives trade.
The size of the National Stock Exchange’s Investor Protection
Fund (IPF) will increase three times after a new framework was laid out for it
by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi). The market regulator has
mandated a higher IPF be maintained in relation to trading volumes.
The IPF is used to refund investors who lose money in the event
of a default by brokers. Investors are paid up to Rs 25 lakh under this
A safety
The NSE had around Rs 585 crore of IPF money, less than the
Bombay Stock Exchange, which has about Rs 750 crore. Sebi chairman Ajay Tyagi
had raised concerns about IPF money during a recent conference on capital markets.
A note from the NSE said: “SEBI has also advised NSE to increase
the size of its IPF corpus to Rs 1,500 crore in order to protect the interests
of investors in light of recent broker defaults. The adequacy of the IPF corpus
will be reviewed on a half-yearly basis and incremental contributions will be
made to the IPF, if required. NSE is focussed and committed to further
strengthening investor protection through a variety of measures, including
focussed investor education, enhanced broker supervision and surveillance in view
of the recent defaults of Trading Members".
A source close to the development told Moneycontrol: “Sebi had
formed a sub-committee to look into this matter and the regulator gave
instructions to increase the IPF.”
Moneycontrol had reported on October 21 about Sebi increasing IPF money
and setting up a new mechanism. The Sebi chairman had stated then that the
IPF was woefully inadequate, and that the regulator would work with exchanges
to increase the fund size.
The IPF is maintained by exchanges. The Bombay Stock Exchange
(BSE) has around Rs 750 crore, while the National Stock Exchange (NSE) has less
than Rs 500 crore, sources told Moneycontrol.
volume link
Sebi has linked the IPF amount with trading volumes. “This may
see more money being raised on the NSE, which, unlike the BSE, derives 95
percent of its volumes from cash and derivatives trade,” a source said.
Currently, exchanges collect money for the IPF in two ways —
from the 1 percent listing fee they receive from companies on a quarterly
basis, and the interest earned on the 1 percent security deposit kept by issuer
companies, or brokers, at the time of offering securities to the public for
Since the number of companies on the NSE is low, its capacity to
collect IPF is weak. This means that even if an investor loses money, the IPF
may not be enough to compensate him. There has therefore been a demand from
investors to link IPF to trading volumes.
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